How might we have effective verbal communication across a non-permeable, largely transparent barrier?
From the alternative matrix below, we created our product requirements as increased decibels of audio, clarity, durability, visibility, intuitive, affordable, and cleanable.
Holding a 5 minute brainstorming [come back to this and find the term!] session
Picking 4 promising ideas for high-fi sketching ("phone string", non-verbal, holes covered by different materials, cardioid)
Building out the barriers for testing
We used role-play to understand which design is most visible and intuitive to use. We provided each user with a Chipotle menu and asked them to order a meal with the employee (one of the team members) that was seated across on the other side of the barrier mockups and recorded their interactions.
We used two performance tests to understand which mockup is the most efficient functionally. For a holistic review of whether or not there is an actual improvement for the conversation experience through a barrier, we used the Siri voice command to test for clarity.
The testings showed that our product was almost completely on-spec. Given that we chose to use colored cellophane sheets, the color tint slightly reduces visibility compared to a transparent sheet. However, the sheet is still translucent and the user can still view through other areas of the barrier with full visibility. Therefore, the slightly reduced visibility isn't an issue.
If you want to read the complete report to learn more about the project and the opportunity assessment process, please click on the links below :)